Ride Guide



Cherokee Nation (Free on Friday)

$0.50 Each Way

Monday - Friday​ 6:30am-8:30am and 4:30pm-6:30pm

City Fixed Bus Route

$2.00 Every Boarding

Each route is an hour long, with Arrowhead Mall being the transfer point. Last pick-up at the mall is at 3 p.m.


County Demand

$2.00 Round Trip

Fare is $2.00 per round trip, which includes three stops any stop over three will be charged and additional $2.00

City Demand Response

$4.00 Every Boarding

Monday - Friday​ 6:00 am until 6:00 pm

To schedule a ride call 3 days in advance.

Out of Town Medical Demand

$1.00 Per Mile

Out-of-Town Medical Demand is for any trip to a medical appointment that originates or terminates outside of Muskogee City Limits.



  • Riding Demand Response

    Demand Response is our curb-to-curb servicing Muskogee and bringing customers from the county to the city of Muskogee. In order to keep a positive experience on the bus when you ride, please read the rules for riding below.

Inclement Weather Policy.


Whenever it is determined that the health or safety of citizens, clients, or employees would be placed at risk or that conditions or events prevent performance of regular operations, closure of the agency may be deemed necessary.

Ice and Snow: If public schools are closed due to road conditions, we close the office and all routes that are non-critical. If road conditions are too bad for our front-wheel drive vehicles, we will close critical routes and re-route those clients to the proper entity.


Holiday Schedule.


The transit office will be closed the following holidays:

  • New Years Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day & Friday

  • Christmas Eve

  • Christmas Day