Ride Guide
Cherokee Nation (Free on Friday)
$0.50 Each Way
Monday - Friday 6:30am-8:30am and 4:30pm-6:30pm
City Fixed Bus Route
$2.00 Every Boarding
Each route is an hour long, with Arrowhead Mall being the transfer point. Last pick-up at the mall is at 3 p.m.
County Demand
$2.00 Round Trip
Fare is $2.00 per round trip, which includes three stops any stop over three will be charged and additional $2.00
City Demand Response
$4.00 Every Boarding
Monday - Friday 6:00 am until 6:00 pm
Out of Town Medical Demand
$1.00 Per Mile
Out-of-Town Medical Demand is for any trip to a medical appointment that originates or terminates outside of Muskogee City Limits.
Riding Demand Response
Demand Response is our curb-to-curb servicing Muskogee and bringing customers from the county to the city of Muskogee. In order to keep a positive experience on the bus when you ride, please read the rules for riding below.
Inclement Weather Policy.
Title VI Complaint
ADA Policy